Monday, November 17, 2008

Middle school INSANITY! A Guide For All Whom Dare Enter This Insane World

Ok, I'm sorry to everyone that actually reads this that I havn't been writing. For one thing, I blame the middle school insanity. Hey, it's harder than it looks. I had four tests one one day in four different classes! Plus the mounds of homework that can take you hours and, as I have metioned, The LOCKERS!!! Every other middle school around has bigger lockers than us. But If you can actually keep up with all the assingments, don't fret about the dumb lockers too much, stay orginzed and pay loads of attention in class, it totally helps. I do all of this and get A's on almost all my tests. This is all coming ffrom a straight A student! So all parents who have kids that will start middle school soon (or high school for you English people) Have them read all this. I know all of this works, because I still have time to do sports, hang out with friends and other after school activities, including volentering at the elementry school after school program. I know I sound like a suck up/teachers pet, but when you start, this all helps. It also helps to do your homework right after school, plan when your going to do that homework, if it is due at a later date, and do all of your later due date homework as fast as possible, that way you don't have to worry about it. Also, one last thing, don't do too much stuff! Or you won't have time to get anything done with your friends and family. So have any and all children that are either in 5th grade or in middle school and having trouble read this. Enjoy!!! Not! X(> Bleh face Lolz BYE!!

1 comment:

  1. You already have learned the most important lesson of middle school: how to be organized. Once you have that down, you can conquer high school, college, anything! Love you, Aunt M
